For practically every habit you want to change, you can create a better, more productive Self-Talk that will advance desired change and results. Learn how to properly feed your brain with right thoughts and words, and you will discover a powerful method for positively impacting your life forever.
Do you know that every cell in your body is affected by every thought you have ... every word you say to yourself?
Whether or not the Self-Talk you engage in is good or bad, it affects what you believe, the attitudes and feelings you hold, the actions you take, and the results you produce.
A positive pattern of Self-Talk is one of the strongest, most effective components of personal growth and self-management. When you take the time to consider what you’re about to say (and its potential impact), it is important to understand that you are imprinting those very words as “the gospel” on your subconscious mind -- where habits are strongly embedded.
For some perspective on how you talk to yourself, ask these questions and see how you immediately respond:
* Do I identify why an idea can't work before you recognize why it can?
* Do I struggle through projects when others breeze through them?
* Do I disparage or discredit your feelings?
* Do I attempt positive, action-oriented goals, yet they evaporate?
* Do I know how to effectively implement positive, lasting change?
Learn how to properly feed your brain with right thoughts and words, and you will discover a powerful method for positively impacting your life forever.
Here are 5 reasons that positive Self-Talk really works:
1. The positive and effective use of Self-Talk, silently or aloud, can dramatically impact the subconscious mind for lasting change.
2. You actually activate healthy, productive chemicals and electrical responses in the brain that spontaneously work for you … instead of against you.
3. Positive Self-Talk gives you the essential, action-focused means to make the changes you want and need … even if you have not been able to accomplish that in the past.
4. You learn a practical, easy way to live your life by active intent … rather than passive acceptance.
For practically every habit you want to change, you can create a better , more productive Self-Talk that will advance desired change and results.
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