I will do it tomorrow, I will do it later or whatever excuse you use, it’s known as, procrastination. The thought that you will finish the project or task later, will rob you of your time today and cause avoidable stress, when your time deadline, has past.
1. Procrastination
I will do it tomorrow, I will do it later or whatever excuse you use, it’s known as, procrastination. The thought that you will finish the project or task later, will rob you of your time today and cause avoidable stress, when your time deadline, has past. In order to prevent this time hazard, begin your working day with the most troublesome task first. Try to picture the end result of the project and make a note of, insignificant, daily chore's, that will get you to completion. You don’t have to finish the project in one day, just work on it daily, set targets in order to get the result needed. Also, think about the repercussions, of not doing the project or assignment, which should motivate you to get it done. Schedule time notes, in your calendar, for tasks and make a commitment to doing the noted, tasks, this will help you prevent putting off, until tomorrow. Once the project is finished, you will feel emotionally better, to do other duties.
Make time notes, in your schedule to read and reply to emails. I check and answer emails, in the morning before I start my daily tasks and once again, at the end of the day. I only check emails during the day if I have a spare minute, due to cancellations or I have ended a task sooner than expected. If you review and reply to emails, the whole day or whenever, you get mail, you will likely, spend more time corresponding online and not finishing other more important tasks. Create folders for emails that you do not have time to read, but you will attend to them later, during your free time. Use filters to avoid the spam mail and keep replies brief and to the point. Based upon your services or products, it is useful, to make a “frequently most asked questions” (FAQs) list and use it to reply to questions or upload it, to your website ( if you have one) as a point of reference, if the reply does not require a more personalized reply from you.
3. Meetings
Before you attend or arrange a meeting make sure you have an agenda. The agenda should include the objective of the meeting, intended outcome and action items to discuss. Set a start and ending time for meetings. Stay within schedule and do not allow the meeting to endure, further than, the scheduled ending time. Take exact minutes or record the meeting and have the notes transcribed and send it to all who attended, the meeting. Make sure there is a necessary need for the meeting, so you do not waste time, away from your desk.
4. Unannounced Visitors
Set office hours (especially if you work from home) and divide up your daily hours, with work colleagues, family and friends. Inform them, that you are working during those hours and you should only be disturbed if there is an urgent, emergency. Keep your office door shut and hang a do not disturb sign on your door. Do not enter, into trivial conversation, make a decision and end the discussion.
5. No Daily Achievement Plan
You must begin your day knowing what you need to achieve on that day. Do not waste time thinking about what you will do today. Buy a weekly planner or use a notebook and list time and tasks, any appointments, schedule time for telephone calls, emails and marketing. Make deadlines, for all the tasks, you note. At the end of the day, clear your desk and plan the next day’s activities. You will feel organized, proud and have a better day, without worrying about tomorrow’s task, they are already planned. At the end of the week, you can than assess, your weekly progress and make any changes needed.
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