Monday, March 22, 2010

Kenneth Copeland: His Biography

Kenneth Copeland: His Biography

Kenneth Copeland was the founder of the Christian organization named the Kenneth Copeland Ministries. He was born on 6th Dec 1936 at Lubbock, Texas. He is a well known Christian minister, American author, speaker, televangelist and a word of faith proponent. In his early life Kenneth was a recording artist and gave very popular numbers. His performance of "Pledge of love" came in Billboard Top 40 hit on 20th Apr 1957. This stayed in the chart for fifteen weeks and touched the 12th place in the list.

In the year 1962 he converted into Christianity and started working on the Christian Ministry. In his early career he worked as a chauffeur of Oral Roberts and around 1967 he enrolled at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Soon in 1970 the ministry started becoming very popular among people and many of them joined the ministries. The ministries headquarter were in Newark, Texas and has branches in many other location including international locations. Countries like Australia, Africa, Canada, UK and Ukraine have followers of KCM. They also made a prison inmate ministry which helped the convicts by providing them basic immunities.

After his conversion to Christianity, Kenneth initiated a new brand of Christian religion known as The Prosperity Theology. Some of his ideas and teachings in this work are controversial with some sections of the Christian community. Copeland's daily television program "Believer's Voice of Victory" became popular and in November 2007 Mike Huckabee, a Republican presidential primary candidate during 2008 made six appearances on this program. Mike Huckabee's campaign supported the Kenneth Ministries and paid for its use for a fundraiser.

There is a private airport at Fort Worth, Texas which has been named Kenneth Copeland Airport. The ministry has initiated many welfare programs and has been actively involved in many social charity works particularly for the prison inmates. It has been very actively involved in the well fare of the prisoner. KCM write letters for the prison inmates for giving them lessons for having patience and peace. The KCM has been working hard to share the power of the blessed life to those behind bars over these years. They help the prisoners by giving those books and other resources for chaplains. They even have been donated some amount to build up a chapel for the prison inmates.

During 1995 the Barber ministries enabled the KCM to broadcast the Eagle Mountain Motorcycle Rally live via satellite to inmates in Texas and other states. Many state prisoners received the satellite broadcast of this rally.

Today the ministries are expanding with lot of people joining them. The common goal of achieving peace is the main motto of these ministries. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland along with other staff member are spreading the word of faith and peace throughout the world. Kenneth's prophetic insight and teachings have inspired many for having a positive outlook towards life. He supports his partners by telling them no matter how great or small you ministry is it will become part of our ministry and vice versa.

Today KCM receives many letters every month from inmates and sows many products annually. On an average over every month about 3,404 inmates get added to KCM mailing list sharing their views and ideas. This ministry helps the inmates by giving them right lessons on life and their future.

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